Thursday, October 9, 2008

Bachelor/Bachelorette Party

So here they are! The pics from the Bachelor/Bachelorette party in Atlantic City this past weekend. I'm still recovering from it. We got there Saturday and needless to say, I got hammered. I was so retarded. And embarrassing too, apparently! I don't remember most of it. That's how hammered I was. I was told that I was loudly hitting on every girl that walked by and when asked what I wanted to eat for dinner I kept saying, "Pu***." Yeah. Then Kymm's cousin Lisa knew a girl that was working at a restaurant in the Tropicana where we were staying. They made the mistake of telling me she was a lesbian. So during the entire dinner, everytime she came to the table I kept asking her if she was a lesbian. Then I proceeded to say that Lisa wanted to be a lesbian and maybe later they can (this is where I made a hand gesture in the form of both hands making a "scissor" motion, if you get what I mean). Yeah, she was embarrassed and they said she was laughing, but I'm sure she hates me. Who cares.

Here's the pics when we got back to the room and drank more. Hooray.

The happy couple.

Kymm's cousin, Lisa.

Hey buddy.

This is the next day. Luckily my hangover wasn't too too bad. I didn't throw up at all, which I'm known to do a lot. So that was very good. I didn't drink liquor, that's why. Liquor messes me up.
One of the times that Kymm punched Kevin for being "mean" to her. I laughed and took pictures.

The naked statue at Caesar's. I'm sure a ton of people have pics with this one.

This is just us hanging out on one of the walkways that goes to the beach. Me and Kevin sometimes do the "boy band album cover pose." We have one of us doing that at Universal. Well Kymm told Kevin to sit up on the bannister with me to do the pose. Well he was a little drunk and couldn't seem to make it up. I was cracking up.

1 comment:

michelle said...

wow; kevin cleans up well!!!!

and i wont comment on the rest!