Sunday, May 18, 2008

Nick Swardson

Ok so me, Colleen, Tash and Jess went to see Nick Swardson at the Tower Theatre on Friday, May 16. If you don't know who that is, Nick is a stand up comedian and he's done a lot of tv and movies. He plays Terry, the gay prostitue on roller skates on Reno 911! He was in Benchwarmers as David Spade's brother who never left the closet. He wrote and starred in Grandma's Boy. And he plays a bunch of little parts in pretty much every Adam Sandler movie.

We waited outside after the show to meet him and it was cold and raining a little bit. But he still came out to hang with us! And he was so cool. There were only a few of us out there so he stayed and talked.
For some reason, he wanted to eat Jess' hair.
I was showing him a picture on my phone from when we met him at Helium two years ago.

I made fun of him for wearing a weird looking shirt or making a dumb face or something and he started cracking up. I'm awesome.


Daily dose of Dana said...

OOOHHHHH He is the guy that works at Bed Bath and Beyond in the movie "Click" -
...Bet you think I am sooo cool right now for knowing that...
...well we are watching "Click" right now so I am kind of cheating!! Billy said thats the guy Jeff went to see and I said Oh yea let me check out Jeffs Blog!!!

Jeff said...

Haha yeah he's in like every recent Adam Sandler movie. Haha you crack me up! You're so cool!

michelle said...

that looks like fun!!!