Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Mackenzie Elizabeth Soles

At 12:26am today, 12/24/08, little Mackenzie Elizabeth Soles was born! She's a teeny one. She weighs 4lbs 14oz. I just got back from the hospital and had to blog my new pics! This baby is already a celebrity. Kymm went with me and took a lot of pictures. She didn't budge. Just slept the whole time. So cute.

Here's Mac and her daddy.

Had to take a serious black and white.
Had to get her diaper changed. You can tell how small she is by comparing her to Rebecca's hand.
She fussed a little when she was changing but didn't really cry. She just made these cute little sounds that made me and Kymm crack up. We melted.
She's got lots of dark hair!

I am so happy that I get to be a godfather and a new uncle!


HB said...

She is a-dor-able!! I love the nickname "Mac." Congrats to your whole family!

Kristen said...

Congrats to everyone!!! She's so adorable! How's it feel to be an uncle?

Jeff said...

Well it sucks right now b/c I'm sick and can't really hold her or get close to her at all. Ha. But I'm sure once it passes, it'll be awesome!

michelle said...