Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Don't Give Away The End, The One Thing That Stays Mine

I love Chelsea Handler. That's not a surprise to anyone that knows me. She goes and takes matters in to her own hands. She worked her ass off to get where she is. She built her empire from the ground up. The other day, I was watching her show After Lately about what goes down behind the scenes of her show Chelsea Lately. It's all about the writers and the making of the show. Watching it was like being smacked right upside the head. Why am I going to pigeon hole myself and do just stand up comedy? I barely get stage time as it is. What I need to do is write. And weasel my way in to some cable show where they will hire someone like me. The E! channel would be perfect for me with shows like Chelsea Lately and The Soup, but unfortunately they're over in CA. Of course. I need to get in to NY. And thanks to my cousin Dana (Daily Dose of Dana blog) I am now obsessed with watching Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. He's in NY!

So not only am I looking for writing jobs now to broaden my horizon, I'm working on my own crap. I have a podcast that I've been doing for a year now. I produced my own live show that was an awesome success! And now, thanks to some comedian friends and my cousin Bill with his fancy camera and editing work, we are working on taping some sketches and putting that shit online. I'm building my empire! It's going to be a while.

1 comment:

Daily dose of Dana said...

"soles" could be used the same way "trump" is so build away!!!!!