Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Work work work!

I haven't posted in a while. I've been working non-stop. I haven't had a day off since the day after the Manson show. And I knew that I wasn't going to have off in a while so I made sure to enjoy it. But I've been working full time at CEI and then part time at Time After Time. (Way too many "times" in that sentence.) This week I'm working everyday from 6am-3pm at CEI then I go all the way to Willow Grove every night and close the store there. So I don't get home until usually 10:15pm. Needless to say, it's only Tuesday and I'm exhausted. But I get somewhat of a break tomorrow and work at Oxford Valley. So that's 27 hours plus 40 hours at CEI. These pay checks better be amazing. Or I'll be pissed! If anyone is going to Oxford Valley Mall, I'll be there Wed (2/6) from 4 to close and then Sat (2/9) from 11-5. Come say hi! I get bored.

1 comment:

Daily dose of Dana said...

I would love to say hi but I will be working too! So you work at 6am - thats why i get texts from you at 5:30 am!!! lol