Sunday, September 7, 2008


My stand up is on Comcast On Demand now for everyone to watch. If you have Comcast, go to On Demand. Select Get Local, then Comedy. You'll see my name listed there and you watch it! It's 6 minutes of me making fun of my parents. And they blurred out my shirt. I was just wearing a Nine Inch Nails shirt and there wasn't anything offensive on it. I guess it was too much for them to handle. So now there's a big blur on me the whole time. Plus they cut out the beginning part of my set and they beeped "goddam" a couple times. Whatever! Facists! lol So once I get the dvd of it, I'll try to put it online. But until then, it will be availabe on demand until 11/28/08. So go check it out and tell me what you think!!!


Daily dose of Dana said...

My mom laughed so hard at yur comcast episode!!! You really do crack people up love it!!!

Jeff said...

Ah! That's crazy! I'm glad she thought it was funny!

Memories of us said...

I watched your stand up on comcast yesterday! Great job!!! While I was there I checked out a few other comics that were on there and thought yours was much funnier than most!

Jeff said...

Haha thanks so much! That's so awesome. And I sort of know what you mean. After doing this for years, I pretty much know who's good and who's not. Sadly, there's a lot more people who are bad than there are good. So that's why I make friends with the good ones. lol

Kristen said...

Hey Jeff! I was at my mom's over the weekend and she has comcast on demand and I was like Oh! I have to look up Jeff's comedy! We both cracked up! My mom laughed while you were imitating your mom. I thought, Poor Kitty! LOL!

Jeff said...

Haha it's alright. My mom loves the attention! Thanks so much for watching it! I'm glad you liked it.