Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Guess who's coming to see me!?

I am so excited! I can't wait! Look at her. She is so gorgeous. She's got legs up to her neck! I'm not a leg man, really, but holy crap. And she just had a kid. Mmmm mmmm. Anyway, they're finally hitting the road again and going on tour. I will obviously be there as close to the stage as possible. They're writing a new album as they tour. So awesome. Not only are they doing their own tour, they are headlining the Bamboozle Festival this year! The Bamboozle Festival is in the Giants Stadium parking lot that they do every May. It's one full weekend and you can go to either Saturday, Sunday or both. ND are headlining on Sunday and Fall Out Boy are headlining Saturday. There's going to be a ton more bands announced soon. But I am so getting my ticket for Sunday! I can't wait! This is going to be the best spring ever! I need to get this pic printed out poster size. Frealz.

1 comment:

Memories of us said...

I totally agree with you. She is beautiful! Great body, flawless skin and a beautiful smile!!! And she's blonde.. what more could you ask for LOL