Saturday, February 28, 2009

In the works....

I've been so busy with behind the scenes stuff lately. Working on a bunch of different projects. I've been getting a lot of local gigs for my stand up. So if you ever wanna come, you can check out my schedule at The link is on the right, too. I'm filming a movie right now called The Retreatists. My friends from Temple are making it. Very low budget and very indie movie making, but at the same time, very exciting! It's not a comedy, trust me. So I get to do something different. It's about kids struggling with drugs and alcohol and the different stages of coping with all that. I had a picture on my facebook and myspace from the one night we were shooting. My face looks all messed up. Thankfully, it was just make up. But hey, it was fun making people think I really got messed up! lol. So a little spoiler, I get my ass kicked while I'm drunk as hell.
I make my mother proud, what can I say?
Also on the horizon, is Wawapalooza 3: The Dark Roast. I love working with these kids, so I'm so excited for this year! Every year it just gets better and better. I can't wait. I had a meeting with them last night to select which sketches we want to do this year. There was about 16 of them and we had to pick a few. The ones we picked are awesome. And another spoiler, I might be playing a 15 year old girl. Oh no! Me in drag!


HB said...

You are a busy bee. I can't wait to see the movie (you know I freak out when I see you on film) and Wawapalooza!!

Daily dose of Dana said...

well to the 15 yr old girl in you when can we go shopping?