Sunday, February 22, 2009


Today was little Mackenzie's Christening party. It was miserable out, but we still had a good time!
Here's Jen and myself on the way there.

I was sick all week, but luckily it went away so I got to hang out with my little peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
And what's up with my face?!

Mackenzie's first "myspace angle" photo.

But, the one that stole the show from Mac, was none other than the cutiest little thing, Bailey. I managed to sneak in a quick pic of her and her poppy.

Ian was playing a song on his phone so she got up on the table and did her thing! She had everyone's attention and loved it.

And these two were inseperable. You can tell Aidan had a good time because he's drenched in sweat. He always is after every party. He knows how to have a good time!


Kristen said...

I'll have to get a bib just like Mackenzie's so I can wear it out the next time I go out!

Jeff said...

Haha I know, me too! I told her we'd go out and pick up some suitable partners together. lol

Daily dose of Dana said...

wait i can't belive her bib says single!!! is tim trying to get her hooked up already???
anyway love the pics, wish there more since i missed out!

Jeff said...

I would've taken more pics, but that really was all that happened. We just sat around and stuffed our faces with food.